It’s All In The Accessories

IT’S IN THE ACCESSORIES To stay warm in the cold weather I focus on accessories. It not only adds to the layering look but adding scarves gloves and hats are a sure way to make sure you are warm and cute at the same time. When buying accessories I keep in mind the coats that…


As you all might know by now, if you have been following me for a while, I’m not a huge fan of fall/winter but I do live in New Jersey where it’s cold (at least that’s how I feel) the majority of the year so I have decided to embrace it. Being a fashion girl,…

3 Rules We’re Not Following

What’s up guys!!! Happy Spring!!! The weather is starting to break and I know a lot of you fashion enthusiasts are ready to get dressed in your spring digs. This season I plan to continue to purge through more clothes as I am still embarking on a wardrobe shift. My plan is to elevate my…


Hey guys! I pray everyone is well and that this blog post finds you guys in good health and good spirits. This year has no doubt been a roller coaster of events that I’m sure has effected everyone in one way or another. Time is flying and I have been finding myself having the urge…


Hey guys! Hope all is well! Can I start by saying that 2020 has been an adventure but thank God we are making it through. I have been doing really great despite everything that’s going on around me. Just to give you guys a little update on what I have been up to,  “The Elephant…